Willpower: What to do when your willpower runs out

Willpower: What to do when your willpower runs out

Willpower, by definition, is the control exerted to do something or restrain impulses. When phrased in that way, willpower seems pretty simple. It seems like making the conscious decision to exert control and override any urges for certain things or actions is all you have to do. Is it really that simple though? In most cases, no. It’s not always as easy as forging ahead and pushing through. 

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Weekly Reflection: Affirmations

Weekly Reflection: Affirmations

Why are affirmations helpful? They can help to change our mindset, our thoughts & beliefs and help us to focus forward on what we want rather than what we don’t. In addition, they help to highlight strengths, reinforce qualities that we want to strengthen and allow us to begin changing any stories that we hold about ourselves.

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Intuitive Eating: Hunger vs Cravings

Intuitive Eating: Hunger vs Cravings

Intuitive eating is the act of understanding the signs and signals your body is sending you to determine things like hunger, cravings, fullness and so much more. That means slowing down and tuning into your body’s cues to interpret which messages are being sent. It can be used to manage how much you eat (tuning into hunger and satiety cues), what allows you to feel and function your best (energy, mood, sleep and more) and also what your body might be trying to tell you (food allergies, intolerances, disease, etc).

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