Dry Brush: Experience The Health Benefits Of An Ionic Body Brush
/Have you ever heard of dry brushing? How about an Ionic Dry Brush? I’ve been using the Prana Brush for a little over two months now and absolutely love it. Before I get into experience with the Prana Brush, I want to explain how a little more about dry brushing. Dry brushing has been around for years and simply includes brushing your dry skin (no soap, water or any other body care products) with a special type of brush used specifically for this purpose. Think luxury skincare with a whole host of other benefits that go way beyond just that outer layer. Typically, you brush the skin with light strokes that move toward the heart in order to have a beneficial impact on the lymphatic system. This technique has many health benefits that you may experience including the elimination of dead skin, improved skin tone, reduction of cellulite, improved circulation, increased energy, increased detoxification and so much more.
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