Dry Brush: Experience The Health Benefits Of An Ionic Body Brush

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Have you ever heard of dry brushing? How about an Ionic Dry Brush? I’ve been using the Prana Brush for a little over two months now and absolutely love it. Before I get into experience with the Prana Brush, I want to explain how a little more about dry brushing. Dry brushing has been around for years and simply includes brushing your dry skin (no soap, water or any other body care products) with a special type of brush used specifically for this purpose. Think luxury skincare with a whole host of other benefits that go way beyond just that outer layer. Typically, you brush the skin with light strokes that move toward the heart in order to have a beneficial impact on the lymphatic system. This technique has many health benefits that you may experience including the elimination of dead skin, improved skin tone, reduction of cellulite, improved circulation, increased energy, increased detoxification and so much more.

What Is The Prana Brush?

The Prana Brush is a specific type of dry brush. It’s an Ionic Dry Brush with copper bristles. I know you’re wondering what that means, right? A typical dry brush has either natural or synthetic bristles but what sets the Prana Brush apart is the addition of the copper as part of the brush. To give you a little more information, here are the deets directly from the source, “The health benefits of dry brushing are greatly enhanced through the use of an ionic body brush, which has its origin in ancient Ayurvedic practices. Our ionic body brushes are made with extra-fine ion-charged copper bristles, which naturally create negative ions that protect your body from free radicals and have numerous other health benefits. In addition, the molecular composition of our unique bristles encourages the direct and immediate absorption of negative ions into your skin, which increases the benefits of dry brushing, including the speed of detoxification.”

Prana Brush Quality: So much thought, care and quality have been put into each brush to produce a product that each person will absolutely love. Prana brushes are handmade by skilled artisans using traditional techniques. The outer portion is made from sustainably harvested beechwood. The ion-charged copper bristles are made from the highest quality copper alloy and the outer lining of bristles is made from ethically sourced boar hair.

My Experience With Dry Brushing

Here’s my personal experience with dry brushing and the Prana Brush. First of all, I had dry brushed in the past so I already knew a little bit about the technique and benefits. So when I found this particular dry brush, I was super excited to give it a try. I’m really into total body wellness and maintaining the best health from the inside out. Full disclosure, I’ve given this particular brush about 8 weeks to try in order to make sure I could give you all an accurate review. This isn’t something I just picked up, started using it for a few days and wrote a review. I really wanted to test it out and see what I experienced to give you the best information possible. Below are just a few of the improvements I noticed:

  • Invigorating - The copper bristles make this brush unique. I feel invigorated and alive after brushing. I feel a little energy increase and as if I just got my heart rate up slightly. No, my heart rate doesn’t rise but it feels like you just got a little boost in a really good way.

  • Improved skin texture - My skin definitely feels smoother after using the Prana Brush. I use it before I shower daily and I can definitely tell a difference. It took a little while to notice (or maybe I just wan’t paying attention) but I started really feeling the difference after a week - 10 days.

  • Better skin tone - My skin looks a little “glowy”. I love the way it looks and feels as a result.

  • Smooth - I honestly have never had a ton of cellulite but I can tell that my skin appears even a little more smooth after dry brushing.

Additional Benefits

Aside from what I’ve already listed, here are a few more benefits that ionic dry brushing can include:

  • Revitalizing your body’s systems and cells

  • Promotes physical relaxation by helping to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

  • May help ease the stomach and intestines

  • Helps enhance digestion

  • Promotes a sense of relaxation and calm

Get Your Prana Brush

Ready to give this ionic dry brush a whirl to experience the benefits both inside and out?

You can grab your brush directly from the Prana Brush website here: www.pranabrush.com .

Want to enhance your wellness experience? Check out the Dosha Mat as well. With this timeframe of COVID, taking care of yourself is so important and at home wellness is a safe alternative to heading to the spa.