Workout: Core + Cardio HIIT

Woman doing side plank during core cardio HIIT workout.


We love HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts because they can they give you the most “bang for your buck”. This means that they challenge you both physically and mentally, stimulate your metabolism so that you burn more calories for a longer of period of time after your workout is over (after burn) and they can be done in a relatively short period of time. 20 – 30 minutes of HIIT is a sufficient amount of time to get in a great interval workout and still get all of the benefits.

No longer do you need to spend hours in the gym. We believe you can work efficiently + effectively without working out for a longer duration. Sound good to you? This core + cardio workout is a great full body workout with emphasis on the core and can be done in around 30 minutes. You will be working your entire body though making it a full body workout. You’ll challenge your heart, lungs and your strength. Let’s go!


HOW TO: Always warm up before beginning this workout. A 3 – 7 minute warm up should be sufficient (depending on how long it takes you to warm up). In addition, a cool down of about 5 minutes should be done after the workout. Light stretching would suffice for a cool down. *It is not recommended to do static stretching as a warm up.

HIIT: This is a HIIT workout meaning it’s a high intensity interval training workout. The point is that you work as hard as you can during your interval bursts (still using good form). That means you will work as hard as you can for your own fitness level. Each person is different so it’s important to understand where you’re at and honor that.

OPTIONS: You may need more or less time, depending on your fitness level, for your recovery breaks in-between intervals. Use the appropriate amount of time you need for recovery.

MOVEMENTS: It’s a great idea to do a youtube search for any movement you are unsure of performing. That way you can see it in action and get a better understanding of the movement and proper form. You can also consult your local fitness professional if you need help with any movement or form.


Warm Up (see above “how to”)

6 Mins Sprints – 1 Minute Sprint + 1 Minute Recovery x 3

Superset 1
Plank Walk Outs – 30 Seconds + 30 Second Recovery x 3
Wood Chops (with medicine ball) – 30 Seconds Each Side + 30 Second Recovery x 3

6 Mins Hill Work on Treadmill – Intense Pace (walking or running), 1 Min grade 5.0, 1 Min grade 6.0, 1 Min grade 7.0, 1 Min grade 8.0, 1 Min grade 9.0, 1 Min grade 10.0

Superset 2
Lateral Plank Walk – 30 Seconds (15 seconds one direction, 15 seconds the other direction) + 30 Second Recovery x 3
Burpees – 30 Seconds + 30 Second Recovery x 3

6 Mins Sprints – 1 Minute Sprint + 1 Minute Recovery x 3

Superset 3
Standing Core Twist on Cable (lateral) – 30 Seconds at Desired lbs + 30 Second Recovery x 3
Plank Jacks – 30 Seconds + 30 Seconds Recovery x 3

Cool Down (see above “how to”)


If you have questions, comment below and we’ll be happy to answer any questions that you have.

If you need personal guidance, check out our Health & Wellness Coaching section for programs and coaching.

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