One Step At A Time

All You Have To Do Is Take The Next Step

One step at a time. One choice at a time. One day at a time. The health, wellness and weight loss journey can feel overwhelming at times. It can be really helpful to stay here, stay in the now, stay in the present.

Weight loss is not a linear, predictable process. Because of that, you could be "doing everything right" and it still doesn't mean that you will reliably lose 2 lbs per week (or whatever metric you place on it). 


Your metabolism does not care about your vanity concerns, timetables or desires for ease. 


The body's primary concern is to defend its fat stores because it knows that it can't survive once your body fat is gone. And that concern is a lot stronger than your will power. 


Not only that but events in life can influence your weight to fluctuate: what you ate for dinner last night, menses, sleep, waste not yet eliminated, medications, hydration levels, exerccise or financial stress can all effect the number on the scale. 


Keep in mind that while the scale is one unit of measurement, it is not the ONLY unit of measurement. You can be making progress and not see that number on the scale change. You might notice measurements shrinking, your clothes fitting better, more energy or better quality sleep. You might be developing healthy habits, changing your mindset and improving health markers. There are so many ways to measure your progress that have nothing to do with the scale.


So finding the plan that delivers consistent, predictable results is futile. 


All you can focus on is doing the next right thing - the meal that balances your hunger, energy and cravings, water instead of soda, choosing to walk after work, getting planned and prepared - whatever it is that makes the most sense for you and your desired goals.


Keep moving in the right direction. Keep taking one step forward. Trust that over time, you'll get there. 

Check out Vita Health Coaching for personalized guidance or one of our wellness retreats for a more immersive experience.