Building Self-Trust: A Journey of Reliability and Accountability

Why Is Self-Trust So Important?

In the hustle and bustle of life, one thing we often overlook is trusting ourselves. It's that gut feeling, that inner compass guiding us through the maze of decisions and challenges. But how do we cultivate this self-trust, especially when doubts and insecurities cloud our judgment?

Recognizing the Need for Self-Trust

Ever found yourself hesitating to make decisions or second-guessing your abilities? That's the telltale sign of a lack of self-trust. We often doubt ourselves when faced with choices or when it's time to take action. It's like trying to navigate a foggy road without headlights.

Qualities of Self-Trust

When we think about trust, we usually focus on qualities like reliability, integrity, and accountability. Funny enough, these are the same qualities we need to trust ourselves. It's about being honest with ourselves, staying true to our values, and holding ourselves accountable for our actions.

3 Tools to Build Self-Trust

Let's break down three powerful tools to strengthen your self-trust:

  • Craft a Character Reference: Take a moment to jot down your top qualities, strengths, and skills. Highlight all of the positive qualities that you possess. By recognizing your strengths, you're laying the foundation for self-trust to grow. These might be things such as you’re a great problem solver, you are dependable, your multitasking skills are on point, you’re fair, you have fantastic communication skills, you follow through with commitments. Those are some examples and they will be unique to each person. You can google a list of qualities and strengths if you’re not sure where to start. 

  • Embrace Accountability: Reflect on times when you've held yourself accountable. Remember that time you met a deadline or owned up to a mistake? Remember the time when you chose to run a marathon and followed through? Remember all of those times you picked your child up from school? Those moments are proof that you can trust yourself to do the right thing and to show up be accountable for your actions.

To take this one step further, which tools have you used in the past for accountability? Did you set a reminder on your phone? Did you schedule a calendar event? Were you using an app to track your progress and stay on track? Did you journal your daily actions? Did you set a goal or commit to an action and then follow through because it was important to you and it stayed at the forefront of your mind? Understanding how you’ve been able to hold yourself accountable in the past can lead to understanding how you can hold yourself accountable for present or future decisions, goals, and actions. 

  • Reflect on Past Successes: Think back to a time when you achieved a goal or completed a challenging task. What skills and qualities did you rely on? How were you able to achieve this goal or task? What was the system you used from start to finish to complete this particular goal? By dissecting your past successes, you'll uncover valuable insights into your abilities, action steps, and strengths. You can then get a clearer picture of how you’ve followed through in the past. Those past successes highlight your ability to follow through - building your trust in yourself. 

Cultivating Self-Trust

Building self-trust is like tending to a garden. It requires patience, nurturing, and a willingness to get your hands dirty. Embrace your vulnerabilities and imperfections, knowing that they're part of what makes you human. Self-trust isn't about being perfect; it's about embracing your flaws and trusting yourself despite them.

Trusting the Journey

As you embark on the journey of self-trust, remember that it's a process, not a destination. There will be ups and downs, positive moments and moments of doubt. But through it all, trust in yourself. Trust that you have the strength and resilience to weather life's storms. 

Building trust with yourself takes time. It’s a daily practice, and just like building any other habit or behavior pattern, it tames time, practice, and consistency. That being said, give yourself a little grace along the way. 


In the this big adventure of life, self-trust is your greatest ally. It's the anchor that keeps you grounded amidst life's turbulence. So, trust in yourself. Trust in your abilities. And trust that you have everything you need to navigate life's twists and turns.

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