4 Tips For A Healthier Vacation

How to Take a Healthy Vacation

Vacation traditionally means blowing off your normal routine. Generally, we're consuming food we might not eat on a normal day, we might abstain from working out in order to give our bodies a rest and possibly indulge in adult beverages. This has become what vacation is about; an escape from our normal reality. With a few simple steps, your vacation can be much more balanced and healthy, yet still leave you feeling that vacation vibe.

At Vita Vie Retreat, we offer two different fitness vacation programs to choose from to help keep you on track during your getaway. Bella Boot Camp is a group boot camp vacation and our Private Fitness Retreats offer an exclusive one on one experience. Whether you attend one of our active retreats or venture out on you own vacation, there are ways to keep your getaways healthy while still enjoying food, drink and total relaxation.

4 Tips For A Healthy Vacation

1. Stay Active - Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you should ditch your regular workout routine. Staying active will keep you in a healthy mindset. It will also help you burn some extra calories to offset any overindulgences food wise. If you'd prefer to stray from your regular routine, try something new and different from your usual workout regimen. Long walks on the beach, hiking in the mountains, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, surfing and canoeing are all great ways to stay active without heading to the weight room. Adventure tours can also be a fantastic way to learn more about the local area and have you moving at the same time. Snorkeling, diving and zip lining are also fun activities to engage in to burn a few calories and experience the atmosphere in which you are visiting.

2. Stay Hydrated - Keeping yourself hydrated is essential even when on vacation. Water is important for so many processes in the body. It can even help your body rid itself of extra calories and impurities so keep the water flowing when on holiday. Assuming you may be eating some foods with extra sodium or adult beverages that could dehydrate you, it's important not to forget to rehydrate yourself. It is recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces. Stick with that rule of thumb every day and on vacation.

3. Pack Snacks - Healthy snacks are so important to have on hand during your getaway. While, you might want to treat yourself during a few meals, healthy snacks will help keep your hunger at bay and keep you in the routine of eating healthy. It's so easy to go for fried foods or unhealthy dips and chips if you don't have healthy snacks or aren't prepared. Pack snacks to take with you or purchase them once you get to your destination. Nuts, seeds and fresh fruit are all great options to have on hand.

4. Treat Yourself - Lifestyle means moderation. Do not completely deprive yourself of anything. Vacation is the perfect time to treat yourself but there's no reason to go completely overboard. Enjoy your favorite "bad" foods at dinner or lunch but you don't need to make every day a day of awful eating. That will just lead to energy depletion and unhealthy cravings. You don't want to need another vacation after your vacation because of all of the unhealthy food and drinks you've consumed. Treat yourself but do it reasonably.

If you need motivation and guidance for your healthy habits, join us for a fitness retreat for a total body reboot! We also offer online and in person health & nutrition coaching for your specific needs.

If you have any questions about this blog post, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. We’re happy to help! Best In Health & Wellness - Margot + The Vita Vie Retreat Team


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