What To Pack For Your Fitness Retreat

Items to pack for your fitness vacation like flip flops, hat, sun glasses and more.


You’ve signed up for a fitness retreat (Hopefully, it’s with us!) and you’re probably really excited. You should be! Embarking on an active vacation is a fantastic thing. It’s a journey all in itself. It includes lots of movement (some you’ve done before and some you might not have), hard work, making new friends or acquaintances, pushing yourself to the limit, spa treatments, down time, fresh and delicious food and a snuggly bed to lie down in at night and recover from the day’s events.

If you’re like most people, you booked your trip roughly 1 month in advance. You’ve taken off work and maybe even arranged child care if you have kids. You’re planning your time away and now it comes down to what to bring. How do you even pack for a fitness retreat? What to wear? What essentials should be packed and what are you not thinking about that you should bring?

Here is our suggested packing list for going on a fitness vacation and some specifics if you’re attending one of our retreats.


  1. Your favorite workout clothes – I’m not talking about the sexiest, cutest, most trendy workout clothes. I’m talking about bringing the workout clothes that you love to move in. They need to be comfortable, make you happy and easy to workout in. I love wicking fabric that keeps sweat off the body and breathable pieces so I don’t get too hot when working out outside.

  2. Water bottle – You’re going to hydrate! Well, you’re definitely going to need to hydrate so if you aren’t already, prepare to do so. Did you know that your output can’t be 100% if you’re even slightly dehydrated? So plan on drinking a bunch of water. You’ll need it for a number of reasons. A good water bottle that you can fill up time and time again is essential. Even a water bottle with a charcoal filter will take it one step further. You’ll be able to filter water wherever you are.

  3. Toiletries – The hotel provides Gilcrest and Soames travel size shampoo, conditioner, body wash and body lotion but most people have their favorites that they use on a daily basis. If you do and you’re particular about those products, make sure to pack them in your suitcase. A toiletry bag that has compartments to keep you organized is a great idea as well. It will help you organize not only toiletries but brushes, small utensils such as tweezers, clippers and more. Don’t forget your toothbrush, toothpaste, favorite skincare, sunscreen and any medications necessary as well. **If you have asthma, we require you to bring your inhaler at all times.

  4. Shoes – We use the beach and local parks as well as an indoor studio. I always suggest that people bring one pair of shoes for outdoors. I know a lot of people don’t like to get sand in their shoes so bringing two pair helps with that issue – one pair for outside and one pair for inside. Make sure you bring sneakers that you’ve worn before. Trying out new shoes during your fitness retreat is a recipe for disaster! You want to know that those shoes are comfortable for you BEFORE arriving for your vacation. Flip flops for walking down to classes like yoga, ballet tone and pilates mat is useful because they don’t require sneakers.

  5. Bathing Suit – While we don’t have any water aerobics classes, there are two pools for recreational swimming and a big huge ocean that you might want to take a dip in. Bathing suits are optional and for recreational purposes only at Vita Vie Retreat. You might be going to a different retreat that does offer water classes so make sure you read up on what to bring!

  6. Yoga Mat Towel – Not required at all but many people like to bring a yoga mat towel to cover any mats that they may have to lay down on. They’re soft and provide an extra layer of light padding plus you know that you’re the only one laying on that towel.

  7. Casual Clothing For Meals – Comfortable, casual (casual to dressy casual) for clothing for meals is perfect attire at Vita Vie Retreat. Our host hotel, The Seagate Hotel & Spa is a beach hotel with a sophisticated vibe. That being said, you’ll see everything from dressy to casual in the restaurants so bring what’s most comfortable for you.

  8. Easy Carry Bag – It’s a great idea to have a light carry bag to tote around with you on a daily basis to your classes. Make sure it’s easy to carry in case you’re hiking or on the move. You might want to tote your water bottle, sunscreen, phone, or other must haves with you while you’re on your fitness vacation.


I hope this helps you figure out what to take on your fitness vacation! Remember to relax, enjoy and have fun. If you have any questions, please post them in the comments below and I’ll be happy to address them! Best In Health & Wellness, - Margot Rutigliano, Owner of Vita Vie Retreat

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