The Power Of Mindset

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t. You’re right. - Henry Ford

It’s a brand new day and a BRAND NEW YEAR! Happy 2022, everyone!

As we head into a new year, let’s talk about the power of mindset. We have the power to shape and form our thoughts through our own, individual belief systems. When trying to reach goals and improve ourselves from the inside out, self-belief is critical. That means shifting our thoughts from what we DON’T want to what we DO want. Focusing on the positive and what we want to become can be a powerful tool in actually reaching those goals.

Mindset In Motion

Example: Let’s say someone is trying to lose weight and improve overall health and wellness. 

Original Thought: I don’t want to be overweight anymore and I’m tired of not having the energy I need to get through the day. 

Mindset Shift: I want to change my body so I can feel my best and have the energy I need to get through the days with ease. 

That simple reframe paints a much brighter picture of the future and focus on the positive. 

Curious how you all reframe your thoughts? Feel free to share an example in the comments below.