8 Reasons To Go On A Fitness Vacation

Guests of Vita Vie Fitness Retreat enjoy a beach workout.


By: Margot Rutigliano

One of the reasons I created Vita Vie Retreat, over 12 years ago, was so that I could build an environment where people could truly focus on themselves. I had been doing personal training and nutrition coaching for about 6 years and one of my biggest complaints was that my clients couldn’t focus on themselves. We would be in the middle of a training session and a client would reach to answer a phone call or a text (and way back in the day, it was a pager). It just seemed like we were treading water rather than swimming through the waves.

So one day I was on a plane and I read an article about a big health spa, a place to escape and get away and get fit and healthy. And while this appealed to me, I also wanted to create an environment where I would still work with clients in a small setting rather than just owning an operation and shuffling people in and out. Training and coaching are my passion and actually participating in that work is really important to me. So, I decided to create a small version of the health spa so I could accomplish my goals – to form a fitness vacation where people could get away and focus on themselves as well as be able to do the coaching. And here we are in 2018 with Vita Vie Retreat!

Retreat ladies do dynamic warm up on the beach.


Now you know my biggest reason for creating Vita Vie Retreat. Aside from getting people out of their environments to focus on themselves, here are my top 8 other reasons why a fitness vacation is so beneficial.

  1. You won’t need a vacation from your vacation. This is probably one of the biggest reasons, in my mind, why a fitness vacation is more beneficial. Returning home hung over, having gained weight and feeling generally lousy isn’t the point of a vacation – at all. Isn’t the whole reason you went on vacation to renew yourself and relax so you can get away from the stress of everyday life? Returning home groggy and energy depleted will only add to the problem. Take a fitness vacation and return feeling refreshed! You’ll actually feel better, won’t be hungover and dehydrated and you might have even lost a few pounds!

  2. Stay focused. Whether you’re just generally health conscious or have a goal that you’re trying to achieve, this type of vacation will help you stay focused. You can enjoy a getaway and staying on track at the same time.

  3. Mind body wellness. Part of getting out of your environment is removing yourself from the stress or stressor that may be affecting you. Not only will you not be pulled in 3000 directions from work, family, friends, kids, relationships, etc but many times you can allow yourself to relax, clear your head and think through things clearly. Sometimes, being out of a certain environment allows you the space and freedom to think outside the box and come up with healthy ways you can manage that stress better.

  4. Get out of your comfort zone. Generally, we do what we’re comfortable with and what we’re used to. We get in the routine of vacationing in the same places, taking the same types of vacations and going on a getaway with the same people. Taking a fitness vacation can help push you out of your comfort zone, get you in a new environment and even a new destination.

  5. Try new classes + workouts. Yes! Do something new. I can’t tell you the number of people that come to one of our programs and tell me they’ve discovered a new workout that they want to incorporate when they get home. In general, we gravitate to what we like and what we’re used to (walking, running, body pump, crossfit) at home. Sometimes trying a new workout or class can be kind of scary. In this environment, most of the other people are in the same boat. You’ll be in an environment where learning is part of the whole point. It makes trying a new class a whole lot easier. Sign up for a fitness vacation that you know is going to expose you to different ways of moving. You might find something that you love but had no idea because you’ve never tried it.

  6. Get re-motivated. This is by far one of the biggest reasons why people tell me they decided to do a fitness retreat. Somehow, somewhere along the way, life derailed you. It happens to everyone (even fitness coaches). Again, this kind of goes back to getting out of your environment. Book a fitness vacation, focus on yourself and your goals, eat healthy and get re-motivated back into that healthy lifestyle you once had on speed dial.

  7. Get a refresher. We have many guests that come once per year as a way to check in and get their yearly fitness refresher. It’s not that they aren’t motivated. They come so that they can stay motivated. Our programs change slightly so we’re always offering new classes, meditations and more.

  8. Learn. Never stop learning. Going somewhere that may offer you a different fresh perspective, updated information or new techniques may be worth it in itself. Submerging yourself in a learning environment where you are coached is always a great lesson in self growth.

  9. BONUS: Discover something lacking in your training regimen. This goes along with trying a new class and getting a refresher but it’s worth the mention. Because we get into a routine of doing the same things over and over again, we often neglect certain parts of fitness and recovery that are really important. For example, when was the last time you spent any time on recovery for your muscles and connective tissue? When was the last time you really pushed your intensity level up a notch? Have you trained your core lately or worked on balance training? It’s necessary to build a solid foundation of fitness, recovery and mind body wellness to ensure total body balance.


Did I convince you yet? Whether you join us for a fitness vacation or go elsewhere, they’re worth the investment. It’s an investment in yourself – one that can pay off long term.

If you have any specific questions about Vita Vie Retreat or this blog post, please leave them in the comments below. We’re happy to help! Healthy Wishes, Margot + The Vita Vie Retreat Team

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