7 Healthy Habits To Help You Lose Weight

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably set a weight loss goal. You might even be in the middle of trying to reach your goal. Either way, you might already know that weight loss can be tricky business. For some people it’s fairly easy and for others, it’s downright hard. We see people every single week at our fitness retreat who come to jumpstart their weight loss goals. It’s easy to think you’re doing everything right when even one or two simple habits could be holding you back. What’s important is that you set yourself up for success and you treat your body as best as you can to create an environment conducive to weight loss.

I’ve been there myself. I’ve lost 10 pounds and I’ve lost over 30 pounds in my lifetime. You might only have 5 pounds that you want to get rid of or you might have 100. No matter what, I get you. I hear you and I understand your struggles. And I’m here to say that there are some really easy things you can do to aid in your journey to your weight loss goal. I’m sharing my tips as a coach and also as someone who’s lost weight before with you below.

Woman working out for weight loss.


  1. Eat all of your meals. Don’t skip meals thinking that less is more in terms of weight loss. It’s isn’t. Skipping meals can actually slow your metabolism down. What you want to create is a body that burns calories and fat like it’s going out of style. You actually burn calories by digesting food. By skipping meals, you won’t stimulate your metabolism. You’ll may end up slowing it down. Eat your three meals daily and snacks if you need them too!

  2. Drink water and watch out for caloric beverages. Drink water to hydrate yourself. Not only does hydration keep your body from holding water weight but it will also help you from ever mistaking hunger and thirst. Grab a water bottle and keep track of how much water you’re drinking to ensure you get your water in. Drinking at least half of your body in ounces is the goal (depending on your activity level – you may need more or less). Often times, if you’re not fully hydrated, we think we’re hungry but we’re actually thirsty. Remaining fully hydrated will help eliminate this problem. In addition, it’s really easy to drink your calories and not even feel like you just took in 100 – 200 calories. There’s a very different feeling of satiety when you eat 200 calories versus when you drink 200 calories. Think back to a time when you drank 200 calories (maybe a beer or a sugary soft drink). Did you feel like you just ate 200 calories? I’m guessing the answer is no. The digestive process is a little bit different when we drink our calories (especially sugary liquids) versus when we eat them just in the respect that we don’t have to chew to start breaking down the food. So all things considered. You’re better off drinking zero calorie liquids like water.

  3. Eat whole foods. Skip the processed foods as much as possible. Not only are they usually laden with a bunch of ingredients, most of which we can’t pronounce, but it’s also harder to digest food that’s “put together”. It’s pretty difficult for your body to extract macronutrients and micronutrients from a condensed bar or piece of food. In addition, you really have to watch out for chemicals, additives, sugar, carbs and unhealthy fats in processed foods. You’re better off getting your food from natural sources so you know exactly what’s in it and where it came from.

  4. Eat the rainbow. Get colorful with your food! We function best when our bodies are getting the right kinds of nutrients we well as the right amounts of those nutrients. Eating lots of fruits and veggies will help you do that. Eating all of the colorful fruits and vegetables will ensure you get all of the different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients that you need. Look for red, blue, purple, green, red, yellow, orange and white. If you have a hard time getting in your vegetables and fruits, a dried whole food supplement like amazing green superfood + antioxidants can help. Supplements shouldn’t be a substitute to eating real food but they can help ensure you’re getting all of the different nutrients you need.

  5. Eat protein. Protein makes up every part of your body. It’s essential to make sure you get enough protein for the everyday functions of life, to support your muscle mass, for recovery and repair as well as anti-aging. Whether you’re an animal protein eater or a plant based protein lover, make sure you get adequate protein on a daily basis. Aim for about .5 – 1 g of protein for pound of body weight.

  6. Move your body. Moving too little can be a massive detriment not only to your weight loss goals but also to your health. You don’t have to get in an intense workout every day but it’s important to move your body, challenge your cardiovascular conditioning and build your strength. Whether you can move for 20 minutes or a day or 60 minutes per day, get out and move. Use a fitness tracker to motivate you if you need to. Grab a gym partner to keep you accountable. Whatever you need to do to move, make it happen.

  7. Make the most of every opportunity. No matter the situation, you can always find the best option. Maybe you’re traveling or at a restaurant that doesn’t have many healthy options. Fine, but choose the best option for you. You can also make special requests at restaurants. Some will be able to accommodate your special requests and some may not but it’s worth the ask. Maybe your schedule is grueling and you don’t have a ton of time to workout. That’s ok. Move where you can. Park in the parking spot furthest from the building. Take the stairs when you can or enjoy a 10 – 20 minute lunchtime walk. Make the best decisions that you can for you!


Losing weight takes dedication and adherence to consistent daily activities that will get you to your goals. Tracking your weight loss can also help. Journal your day to day activities so you can have a record of what’s working for you and what isn’t. If you journal things like your activity, food intake, water intake, supplements taken as well as mood and energy levels, you’ll have a great resource to truly understand what works for your body. This 16 week journal is a great one to start with if you’re not sure what a good fitness/health journal should look like!


We’d love to help and we offer a number of fitness and nutrition services to assist.

  1. Retreats - Jumpstart with a fitness retreat to ignite weight loss and fitness goals >> Fitness Retreat

  2. Health & Nutrition Coaching (online or in person): Health & Nutrition Coaching

  3. Online Personal Training: Online Training

If you have any questions about this article or the tips in it, please make sure to leave a comment below. We’ll answer any questions or comments that you have!