10 Simple Paleo Snacks

10 Simple Paleo Snacks

Paleo eating, in general, is pretty simple. It’s not that complicated to implement and is really a diet rich in whole foods. Eating paleo eliminates all processed foods, dairy, legumes and grains. There are a few other nuances to eating paleo but that’s for a whole different post. I’m assuming if you’re here reading this blog post, you probably already know how to eat paleo and you’re looking for solutions for snacks. Which is exactly why I’m writing this post!

While I’m not necessarily a paleo eater all of the time, I do adopt a whole food way of eating and many of the meals and snacks that I eat are considered paleo. Snacks aren’t always the easiest thing to grab – especially if you’ve gone paleo. It seems like most of the snacks out there are full of junk, loaded with carbs or laden with sugar. Everywhere you turn there’s a cookie or cracker but quality sources of protein, fat and good carbs are fairly hard to come by. I’ve searched high and low and been able to find some great paleo snacks that you don’t even have to make. They can be taken or toted anywhere with you – even on the go!

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Homemade Bone Broth Recipe

Homemade Bone Broth Recipe

Bone broth is all the rage right now and for good reason. It’s benefits go way beyond a delicious, homemade stock for cooking. Your joints and immune system may benefit as well as your skin, metabolism and gut. Although, it seems as if it’s the miracle superfood, don’t go out and buy bone broth just yet. You’ll benefit much more from the REAL stuff made at home (or a reputable company) rather than the store bought varieties that may have additives, excessive sodium, artificial colors and other chemicals.

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